Registration form - PerSo 2017

Before completing the form please read the rules

Registration Form to PerSo 2017

Items marked with an asterisk (*) should be mandatory.

Presenter's information

Name *

Surname *

Telephone number *

E-mail *

Re-type e-mail *

Please state if the presenter is also the author, the producer or "other" *

If "other" specify the role

Film's data

Original title *

Italian title

Year of production *

(some browsers do not display this field correctly;
in that case, please use the format YYYY-MM-DD)

Place/s of production *

Second country

Third country

Duration (minutes, i.e. 80) *

Original Format *

Projection Format *

Director *

D.O.P. *

Editing *

Soundtrack *

Production *

International distribution

Italian distribution

Synopsis (eng/ita) - Minimum 800/Maximum 900 words, spaces included

Synopsis ENGLISH *

Synopsis ITALIAN *

Debut film *

Date, place and whereabouts of the first public screening *

Festivals (with date) *

Awards *

Author's information

Name *

Surname *

Telephone number *

E-mail *

Re-type e-mail *

Residence/domicile *


ZIP code


Biography and filmography (Eng/Ita) - Minimum 500/Maximum 800 words, spaces included

Biography and filmography ENGLISH *

Biography and filmography ITALIAN *

Production information

Representative’s name and surname *

Telephone number *

E-mail *



ZIP code


PerSo Film Festival’ competition section

You can select only one option (*)

Sending method

Select how to send the copy of the viewing *


Document of the representative (necessary to proceed with the submission)

Valid identity document (accepted formats doc, docx, pdf, jpg, gif, zip and rar, max file size 5 MB) *

I am aware that, according to art. 26 law 15/68, false statements, deceit acts and the use of false actes are punishable under the Penal Code and special laws. I also authorize the processing of my personal data as provided by Law 675/96 of December 31st, 1996. I also give the permission to screen my film at the Second Edition of PerSo – Perugia Social Film festival.

As stated in the Regulations, the registration of films in the competition through this web site is subjected to the payment of a € 10 fee for the PerSo Award category, and it is free for the remaining categories. If you register for the PerSo Award category, the nomination will be considered valid only after the payment, made by PayPal system (clic here) or by bank transfer to:
Fondazione “La Città Del Sole” – Onlus
Conto Corrente 231565 BANCA POPOLARE ETICA
ABI: 05018 CAB: 03000
IBAN: IT81T0501803000000000231565
Via Cipriano Piccolpasso, 109 - 06128, Perugia
tel: 075 4659940
Causale: "Film title" - Diritti di iscrizione PerSo 2017

By applying you accept the rules. At the end of the registration procedure, the system will send an email that the presenter has to print, sign and send through registered mail. Please also check the folder "spam" where sometimes the email is delivered.

IMPORTANT: please send your form one time only, so as to avoid any type of delay. The system will inform you in case of any mistakes made while completing the form, on the other hand, if the form is completed, a confirmation message will appear; moreover, you will receive a confirmation mail in the e-mail account you provided. Thanks for the collaboration.


Thanks to

Regulations PerSo 2017

Call for Entry

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