

PerSo short 2017 Processi by Adriana Ferrarese, Italy/France, 2016, 20’   Like every year, Corigliano Calabro, a small village in the south of Italy, celebrates Easter: from the investiture of a man to embody Jesus during a night procession, to the passionate...
Nothingwood party

Nothingwood party

PerSo Masterpiece 2017 Nothingwood party by Sonia Kronlund, France/Germany, 2017, 85’   About a hundred kilometers away from Kabul, Salim Shaheen, the most popular and prolific actor-director-producer in Afghanistan, comes to show some of his 110 films and to...


PerSo Masterpiece 2017 Liberami by Federica Di Giacomo, Italy/France, 2016, 89’   A film about the return of exorcism in the contemporary world. Our world. Every year more and more people call “possession” their distress, in Italy, in Europe, in the world. The...


PerSo Masterpiece 2017 Safari by Ulrich Seild, Austria/Denmark/ Germany, 2016, 90’   Rich German and Austrian tourists hunt zebras and giraffes in the nature reserves on the borders between Namibia and South Africa. The filmmaker follows the hunting fights and...
The Challenge

The Challenge

PerSo Masterpiece 2017 The Challenge by Yuri Ancarani, Italy/ France/Switzerland, 2016, 69’   Falconry has a history that stretches back over 40 centuries. In the West it was a prevailing passion of the medieval aristocracy, but its prestige continues...