Una Claustrocinefilia
PerSo Cinema Italiano

By Alessandro Aniballi
Italy, 2022, 85’

Monday, Oct. 03, Méliès Cinema, Via della Viola 1, 9:30 p.m.

Written, directed and edited: Alessandro Aniballi

With: Alessandro Aniballi, Giovanni Spagnoletti, Amedeo Aniballi

Editing assistant: Daria Pomponio

Color correction: Danilo Monte

Sound editing: Jacopo Manzo

Mix: Matteo Di Simone


March 2020, lockdown snaps. A cinephile, Alessandro Aniballi, takes shelter in the cinema of the past, trying to understand how this obsession was born in him. Cinema thus becomes the tool to reconstruct the memory of himself and the outside world.



Una claustrocinefilia was born as a reaction to the isolation of the first Italian lockdown, which represented for me an opportunity to dive into the cinema of the past, to go through the films I love, trying to keep alive my passion for cinema, when everything seemed lost. Those films, those images, those faces were magically reincarnated before my eyes, giving me the impression – probably under the effect of some delirium – that they were still alive, so much a that I could touch them. And, perhaps, in fact they are.

Alessandro Aniballi

Graduating in 2003 with a thesis on Orson Welles, Alessandro Aniballi began to be a film critic on various websites, until in 2013, together with other colleagues, he founded the magazine Quinlan.it. But film critics rarely pays the bills and so he often finds himself having to do other jobs, including librarian, bookstore clerk, day and night porter. At the same time, his obsession with cinema also led him to compulsively write screenplays, which often remain on paper, although not always, such as two episodes of the TV series Rex, directed by Manetti Bros. Later he also becomes passionate about editing, trying hard to learn its secrets, until he gets the chance to be the assistant editor for Federica Di Giacomo’s film, Il palazzo, presented in 2021 at the Venice Film Festival.



2001 – Actor: Ha perduto qualche cosa, signora? by Giordano De Luca

2015 – Screenwriter (with Giordano De Luca): Il calendario and Gelosia, two

episodes for the TV series Rex by Manetti Bros.

2016 – Screenwriter (with Giordano De Luca): A pugni chiusi by Pierpaolo De

Sanctis, in competition at the 34th Torino Film Festival – TFFdoc.

2017 – Screenwriter and actor (with Giordano De Luca): Imma by Pasquale Marino,

in competition at the 49° Vision du réel

2019 – Screenwriter: Nel mondo by Danilo Monte, in competition at the 39th

Filmmaker Film Festival

2021 – Assistant editor: Il palazzo (The Palace) by Federica Di Giacomo, out of

competition at Giornate degli Autori at the 78th edition of the Venice Film Festival