Searching for the perfect gentleman
PerSo Short
By Lena Windisch
Germany/ Netherlands, 2019, 9:55’
Wednesday 6th october Cinema Zenith – 17.30
Thursday 7th october Cinema Méliès – 15.30 (replica)
Director: Lena Windisch
Producer: Lena Windisch
Distribution: Sayonara Film (Elephant Distribution)
Editing: Lena Windisch
Sound: Lena Windisch
Cast: Lena Windisch
Searching for the Perfect Gentleman is a documentary about the search for an African barber shop poster. The film shows how boundaries between originality and reproduction merge, in a world where everything can be remixed and reprinted easily. Furthermore the video tells a multi-layered story about trust, persistence and interconnectedness in a globalized world.
PerSo Short
The virtual search for an analog object provides information about the interconnectedness of the world. A story about research, trust, persistence and the boundaries between originality and reproduction in a world where everything can be easily remixed and reprinted.
A simple analog object goes on a virtual journey around the world. By focusing on the small, a narrative about the big picture emerges. What appears humorous ultimately raises very serious questions. Will we search in vain for authenticity in the future? And is globalization a curse or a blessing?

Lena Windisch studied as a Communication designer and obtained a master’s degree in Information design. In 2019, during her studies at the Design Academy Eindhoven, she wrote and directed her first short documentary Searching for the Perfect Gentleman. Currently she lives and works in Hamburg, Germany.
2019 – Searching for the Perfect Gentleman
2020 – Solastalgia