Red Kilim Abrash

Umbria in Celluloide

by Gianmarco Bozoglu
Italy, Turkey, 2022, 24’

Thursday, Oct. 06, Postmodernissimo Cinema, Via del Carmine 4t, 4:30 p.m.

Original Title: RED KILIM ABRASH

Director: Gianmarco Bozoglu

Scriptwriter: Gianmarco Bozoglu

Editor: Gianmarco Bozoglu

Sounds: Gianmarco Bozoglu


A personal journey that is intertwined with meetings and stories about the desire to discover the world that began in the 60s and 70s, following the sandy tracks left by the famous Hippie Trail. An on the road adventure that starts and returns from Istanbul, the gateway to East Asia, and crosses Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, up to India. A journey that also led to the discovery of fabrics or tapestries called Kilim and then became famous all over the world.

Director’s statement

Inspired by the films-essays of the French myth Chris Marker and his travelogues,semi-autobiographical travel diaries, Gianmarco Bozoglu assembles a sound and visual fabric of stories and biographies. Among these stories also appears that of his father – Turkish immigrant who made a career in Italy and abroad in the 90s as a researcher and merchant of textiles and tapestries ‘Kilims’. A love letter written in the director’s inner darkroom to the nomadic weavers lost in time.

Gianmarco Bozoglu

Gianmarco Bozoglu born in Perugia (1992), is an Italian-Turkish graphic designer and multidisciplinary artist. After earning a degree in Graphic Design in London, he won a scholarship continuing his studies at the Royal College of Art in Critical Writing in Art & Design where he had the opportunity to deepen his interests by producing some short films and radio-documentaries.


2022 – Red Kilim Abrash 

2021 – Nadine Street 

2021 – T

2021 – untitled (double portrait)

2020 –  Notte