Promenade Sciarrino

Umbria in Celluloide

By Marco Del Buono
2022, 45’

Saturday, Oct. 01, Méliès Cinema, Via della Viola 1, 3:15 p.m.

Original Title: Promenade Sciarrino

Director: Marco Del Buono

Director of Photography: Giacomo Della Rocca

Editor: Francesco Agnello

Studio sound: Francesco Agnello

Color Correction: Giacomo Della Rocca

Productor: Opificio Sonoro


Salvatore Sciarrino meets for the first time the musicians of the ensemble Opificio Sonoro, engaged in the preparation of a concert dedicated to his compositions.

From the work of testing and comparison, some reflections arise on his music, art and artistic life in general.

This documentary wants to be an evidence of this whole process.

Director’s statement 

Promenade Sciarrino is a hand in hand walk with one of the greatest living Italian composers, through his works and his unique vision of the world.

The peripatetic approach of the documentary has brought us to meet the music of the Composer with the musicians of the ensemble Opificio Sonoro. The collected images represent a true flow of visual-existential consciousness, where the music, the noises, the colors, the flavors and the same places that make it the stage are inseparably linked. It follows that Art cannot be separated from Life, because it represents the most refined and sublime dimension.

Marco Del Buono

Director and screenwriter working in the field of independent cinema and advertising communication. Passionate about everything related to the moving image, from cinema to digital animation. Since 2015 he has been a founding member of the film production company Dromo Studio.


2022 – Le civette dormono in piedi – Corto inedito: assistente regia

2022 – Promenade Sciarrino Documentario inedito: regia

2020 – Dust Memories – Corto – 48h film Roma: DOP , sceneggiatura

2017 – Corsa a termine – Mediometraggio: produzione, aiuto Regia

2017 – Un fantasma a Perugia – Cortometraggio – Produzione esecutiva diretto da Daniele Ciprì.

2015 – Forgotten – Cortometraggio: regia e DOP

2010 – Quando all’appello – Cortometraggio: montaggio

2006 – La strada di casa – Cortometraggio: regia