Onde radicali
Categoria PerSo Cinema Italiano

By Gianfranco Pannone
Italy, 2021, 72’

Sunday, Oct. 02, Méliès Cinema, Via della Viola 1, 7:30 p.m.


Original title: Onde Radicali 

Cinematography: Tarek Ben Abdallah 

Editing: Erika Manoni 

Music: Cesare Picco 

A production: Movimento Film and Ganesh Productions

in collaboration with Aamod – Audiovisual Archive of the Workers’ and Democratic Movement and the participation of Sky documentary

Subject and writing: Marco Dell’Omo, Simonetta Angeloni Dezi, Gianfranco Pannone

Executive Producer: Bruno Tribbioli


A radio that helped Italy to get free from taboos and prejudices is the protagonist of this documentary. The historical voices of Radio Radicale tell and revive the journalistic and political adventure that started in 1976. From the death of Giorgiana Masi to the Tortora case, from the kidnapping of Judge D’Urso to the killing of the journalist Antonio Russo. A lot of controversial stories of a country and the ideals of those who wanted to change it.


It was exciting to make Radical Waves, with the complicity of the two co-authors, Marco Dell’Omo and Simonetta Dezi. As a boy I hung out with radicals, alive, brave and a little crazy; the same magnificent madness I see in this unique radio station that owes so much to Marco Pannella and Massimo Bordin. I have met magnificent witnesses on my way, from Paolo Vigevano to Marco Taradash…, but it is also the voices from the radio’s archives that come to me modern; that of Leonardo Sciascia, for example, critical conscience of a beautiful and possible Italy. An Italy where doing politics in the service of the citizen is still an important thing.

Gianfranco Pannone

Gianfranco Pannone (Naples 1963), after graduating in Modern Literature and obtaining a diploma in directing from the CSC in Rome, has been making long and short documentary films for more than 30 years, with which he has won several national and European awards, including a special Silver Ribbon in 2017. Among his works: Piccola America (1991), L’America a Roma (1998), Latina/Littoria (2001), Il sol dell’avvenire (2008), Sul vulcano (2014), L’esercito più piccolo del mondo (2015), Lascia stare i santi (2016), Mondo Za (2018), Scherza con i fanti (2019), Onde radicali (2021) and, forthcoming, Via argine 310. The author of a single fiction film, Io che amo solo te (2004), as well as a director also involved in theater, he teaches directing at the Master’s in Cinema and Television at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Naples and “Cinema del reale” at the Csc in Rome. His latest book is titled È reale? Guida empatica del cinedocumentarista and is published by Artdigiland.


Piccola America (1991)

L’America a Roma (1998)

Io che amo solo te (2004)

Latina/Littoria (2001)

Il sol dell’avvenire (2008)

Sul vulcano (2014)

L’esercito più piccolo del mondo (2015)

Lascia stare i santi (2016)

Mondo Za (2018)

Scherza con i fanti (2019)

Onde radicali (2021)