Umbria in Celluloide
by Mattia Mariuccini
Italy, 2018, 20′
Production: Gianluca Arcopinto
Sunday 6, 4.00 pm, Cinema Méliès
Two years after the most violent earthquake in the seismic sequence that struck central Italy between August and October 2016, the citizens of Norcia and the neighboring villages are trying to rebuild normal housing and working conditions. They are and feel suspended, between a slow reconstruction and the totalizing bureaucracy, in the uncertainty of the present and of a future that does not exist for themselves and for their children, but with the awareness and determination not to abandon the territory in which they have always lived, welcomed them and continue to love. Around them the Sibillini Mountains, with ancient legends and myths, among fairies, Sibyls, roads, Lake Pilate and Mount Vettore, that only a shepherd still remembers and tells.