PerSo da non perdere 2017

Nasim e la montagna

by Francesca Borghetti, Italy/Iran, 2017, 6’


Nasim e la montagna

Nasim is a free-climber, opening up ‘new routes’ through the mountains of Iran, her country. As a woman, she is a pioneer of outdoor climbing. Mount Behistun is a large ridge that rises in the desert, an ancient religious site and today a UNESCO world patrimony. There are still only a few routes for reaching the top. It is here that Nasim seeks to realize her next achievement.  Raised in southern Teheran in a low-income, conservative neighborhood, Nasim heeded a call for the outdoors and the immense, magnificent Persian mountainside. Going against a series of restrictions (traveling without a male companion, being alone among males who aren’t relatives and climbing without a veil), Nasim is trying to do what she believes she was born to do, become a professional free-climber. But is not a easy task in Iran: the most experienced men aren’t readily available, if they are religious or married they’d never go with a woman. There are no women, at the moment, who are as experienced as she is. Through her eyes, from her intimate world to the top of that mountain, we will be able to see a new route, forged through self-determination and independence. 

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