La pancia verde
Umbria in Celluloide

By Ferdinando Amato
Italia, 2021, 55’

Tuesday 5th october Cinema Zenith – 15.30


Director: Ferdinando Amato
Editor: Ferdinando Amato
Photography: Ferdinando Amato
Storyline: Ferdinando Amato, Giulia Tonelli
Soundtrack: Filippo Poderini
Production: Umbria Equo Solidale, Altrocioccolato
Original language: Italiano
With: Eleonora Satta, Domenico Lizzi, Lorenzo Calzuola, Massimo Luciani, Lorenzo Marcellini, Daniele Bacchettini


The Covid-19 pandemic has placed food and nutrition at the center of a long and controversial debate. Insecurity, fear, absence of clear and defined answers and solutions, have catapulted individuals and communities into a confusional state that has embraced social, cultural and economic aspects. This lack of certainty was strongly projected and manifested on the alimentary level and on food, from its production to consumption. In this scenario, what and how to eat takes a central dimension, the entire food chain is being questioned, at times placing itself as the key to response, preventing and addressing the consequences in the health emergency and pandemic situation it has generated. “La Pancia Verde” retraces some of the good mutual and solidarity practices that have arisen in Umbria during the pandemic.


The film is the result of the need to give light to those who, individually or collectively, have mobilized to give a hand to those who experienced difficulties during the pandemic. The stories told belong to the Umbrian territory and to the authors’ daily life. Realities with which the authors collaborate or for which they militate, more or less directly.


Ferdinando Amato was born in Avola (SR), Sicily. He is an anthropologist, videomaker and photographer. He began his activity working as a visual anthropologist for public and private entities in the creation of short video reports on the traditions and promotion of the Sicilian territory. Since 2017, he has been part of Emidio di Treviri, a research group that investigates the consequences of the earthquake in central Italy, with which he created the book “ Sul fronte del sisma”, several photographic exhibitions and short documentaries. In 2019, he made his first full-length documentary “Le terre di tutti” together with Marilin Mantineo. La “Pancia Verde” is his second feature documentary; the film is accompanied by a book of the same title.

La pancia verde (55’, 2021)
Le terre di tutti (55’, 2019)
Dopo il terremoto (15’, 2017)
I vanniaturi di Avola (15’, 2015)
Rimunna (15’, 2015)