
PerSo Short

By Stefano De Felici,
Italy, 2021, 11’

Sunday, Oct. 02, Méliès Cinema, Via della Viola 1, 6:30 p.m.

Director: Stefano De Felici

Production: Moovie Film Service, Lampo TV, DLQ Creative Factory, Almost Videolab

Producer: Caterina Teoldi, Stefano De Felici

Distribution: Zen Movie

Original Screenplay: Stefano De Felici

Photography: Stefano De Felici

Editor: Stefano De Felici

Original Soundtrack: Phase Duo (Eloisa Manera, Stefano Greco)

Sound Recording: Stefano De Felici

Sound Editing: Stefano Greco


A new skyscraper stands out against the sky amidst massive mirrored buildings and vertical forests, symbols  of Milan’s new skyline. All alone, a man bravely climbs the building, defying the concrete and glass bastions of the new worldly finance. His is an act of civil disobedience at 500ft in the sky, which makes people look uo for a few hours and reflect on the meaning of the slogan “Stay Human”.


The film recalls an act of civil disobedience that evoked strong emotions in me as well in the citizens who were there. I chose to tell this story while keeping the same point of view I actually had during the action. It was the perspective of a witness – on the ground-  who has a feeling of fear and vertigo just by looking up to a man who is moving at a height of 150 meters. I think the film describes a political as well as poetical gesture. A liberating rite for the pain you feel when you come into contact with the suffering of millions of people in the world, afflicted by wars, hunger and poverty, and propitiatory in wanting to foster empathy among people. We all feel the urge to scream out loud if we are the ones suffering injustice, but few of us manage to raise their voices in front of the suffering of others. And even fewer are those who manage to take action. Although Carlo does not talk during the film, during the making he said something that caught my attention. He quotes the writer Anne Herberts, “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty”. Herbert’s words condense much of the spirit of this project.

Stefano De Felici

Stefano De Felici (1981), graduated in film directing and multimedia production, specialized at Fondazione Milano in film directing and tools of digital culture and at the Politecnico di Milano in multimedia and interactivity. He debuted with the short documentary Cemento all’indice selected at the Ischia Film Festival in 2008, “a situationist gesture” starring Carlo Freccero and Tatti Sanguineti. In 2009 he spoke about the Italian social and economic crisis with Caccia Grossa, a documentary co-produced by AAMOD, thanks to the support of Mimmo Calopresti, and selected at the London International Documentary Festival. With Non siamo scart” in 2012 he received the star of social merit from the mayor of Milan Giuliano Pisapia and won the festival Pillole d’ attualità al Festival Isola del Cinema di Roma with which he obtained a distribution and was broadcast by Rai. In 2018 his short film Ferruccio story of a (little) robot participated among other festivals in the official selection at the Newport Beach Film Festival and the Festival Europeen du Film Court de Brest. Gioja22 (2021), his latest short documentary, is a world premiere at Flickerfest 2021.



Gioja22 (2021)
Ferruccio, storia di un robottino (2017)
Non siamo scarti (2011)
Caccia grossa (2009)