PerSo Award

By Isabelle Ingold & Vivianne Perelmuter
Belgio, 2020, 61’

Friday 8th october PostModernissimo – 21.00
Saturday 9th october PostModernissimo – 15.00 (replica)


Original title: Ailleurs, partout 

Directors: Isabelle Ingold & Vivianne Perelmuter

Cinematographer:  live webcams

Sound engineer: Isabelle Ingold & Vivianne Perelmuter

Editing: Isabelle Ingold & Vivianne Perelmuter

Sound editing: clément claude nathalie vidal mikaël barre

Re-recording mixer / dubbing mixer: Nathalie Vidal et Benoit Biral

Color grading: Miléna Trivier

Main cast: Shahin Parsa, Shirin Parsa, Mahboobeh Rastin, Shamim Parsa, Vivianne Perelmuter


A computer screen, images from all over the world. One click is all it takes to cross borders, whereas the tale of another journey unfolds in bits and pieces, through text messages, chats, phone conversations, and an interview at the British immigration office. It’s the journey of Shahin, a 20-year-old Iranian man who fled his homeland first to Greece then finally to England where he claimed asylum. More than an actual trip, it is a journey through a young man’s inner states, as he transforms himself and discovers a new sense of distance and exile – one that blends with the more widely shared experience of a connected world.


Vivianne Perelmuter: 
In 2016, in Greece, we met a young  Iranian refugee named Shahin. He was about to turn 20. We  celebrated his birthday together. We went back to see him  several times. Then we kept in touch through texting, chat, and occasionally by phone. When we saw him again a year  and a half later in England, it was a real shock: Shahin had become a different person altogether. He was no longer the radiant young man we’d met in Athens where, in spite of the  precarious conditions of life in the camp and the immense  hardships he’d been through, he was joyful, claimed to  be “confident about the future,” and was curious about  everything – new horizons, new lifestyles, new people. But when we met again in England, he’d become downhearted, even subdued, and at the same time tense, angry. He was distrustful of everything and everyone. So he shut himself up in his room, cut off from the world but watching it online for nights at a time.  


Isabelle Ingold:
We wanted to offer a different story, a “counter-narrative”. We wanted to get to the ordinary frequency of life. For migrants, this frequency is often masked by the spectacular – albeit  dramatically real – elements of their crossing. It’s not a matter of sugar-coating things, but of rendering the hardships from Shahin’s point of view and also through other registers of his life, with a broad range of emotions and contradictory thoughts, the complexity of situations.  

In short, the experience of a young man who flees and hopes, grows and changes. 

BIOGRAPHY Isabelle Ingold 

Isabelle Ingold is a freelance editor and director. She graduated from La Femis in the editing department. Since then, she has worked with directors as different as Amos Gitai, Vincent Dieutre, Vivianne Perelmuter, Toshi Fujiwara, Barmak Akram, Bojena Horackova, Itvan Kebadian, Renaud Cohen, Hervé Cohen, Jean-Charles Massera, Laurent Ait-Benall, etc. The features and docs she edited were selected in festivals such as: Venise, Cannes, Toronto, Berlinale, Sundance, Locarno, Lussas, Cinéma du Réel, Nyon, Brive. Since 2009, she has been teaching editing at the University of Corsica (France).

FILMOGRAPHY Isabelle Ingold 

HIGHWAY REST STOP  (2016 – doc – 55′)
A SMALL HOUSE IN THE GHETTO  (2009 – doc – 52′)
IN THE NAME OF THE MAYOR  (2004 – doc – 58′)
A PLACE ON EARTH  (2001 – doc – 54’)
NORTH BY MEMORY  (1996 – doc – 30′)

BIOGRAPHY Vivianne Perelmuter 

Vivianne Perelmuter was born in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) but has lived in France since the age of eight. After studying philosophy, Vivianne entered the French film school (La Fémis-IDHEC). She has made several short films and documentaries, which have been selected and awarded in many festivals. Her first feature film, “Uncertain Time” (“Le Vertige des Possibles”), was released in Paris (March 2014) and received high critical acclaim by Le Monde, Libération, Critikat, AVoirALire, Le Point, etc. The movie played in Paris for five months and was broadcasted several times on Ciné+ channel in 2015. It was on the Magritte nomination list for the First Feature Award in Belgium. Since 2010, Vivianne has been teaching at the University of Corsica.

FILMOGRAPHY Vivianne Perelmuter 
BREATHS  (installation art video at Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature – Paris 2017/2018)
IN SITU/ON LINE  (webdoc – 2016)
UNCOMMON GROUND  (doc – installation art in Lorraine & Los Angeles – 30’ – 2015)
UNCERTAIN TIMES (feature film – 1h54 – 2014)
BEAR (doc – 52’ – 2006)
DESCRIPTION OF A STRUGGLE  (doc – 25’ – 2004)
A PLACE ON EARTH  (doc – 54’ – 2001)
NORTH BY MEMORY  (doc – 30′ – 1996)