PerSo Lab

PerSo Lab is Festival Competitive section dedicated to support and develop new project of documentary films. 

From 2015 onwards, more than 150 applications were received, with 30 projects selected and presented during the Festival.

Since 2017 edition, the authors (and/or producers) present their project in a daily pitch session in front of a jury of documentary film experts.

In 2017 edition PerSo Film Festival collaborated with Premio Solinas – Documentary, with the special Jury: Carla Altieri (producer, president of the jury), Marcantonio Borghese (producer), Federica Di Giacomo (director) and Andrea Sanguigni (author).

Here 2018 PerSo Lab Jury:

Enrica Capra (producer), Irene Dionisio (film director and director of Lovers Film Festival), Sara Fgaier (editor and director), Luca Ricciardi (producer), Antonio Pezzuto (critic and programmer)


PerSo Lab Award: € 2.000 to the best project and teaser video of medium and feature length documentaries

PerSo Lab In Progress: development grant (project follow-up with documentary professionals)




 Here 2018 PerSo Lab Jury:

Enrica Capra (producer)

Irene Dionisio (film director and director of Lovers FIlm Festival)

Sara Fgaier (editor and director)

Luca Ricciardi (producer)

Antonio Pezzuto (critic and programmer)