Juries and awards
2022 editionPERSO AWARD
International competition of medium-length documentary films in Italian premiere
Aline Hervé
Angelo Loy
Ivelise Perniola
Audience Award Jury – PerSo Agorà
The audience in the theater will be able to vote for the films in competition in the Perso Award section to award the PerSo Agorà prize.
International documentary short film competition
PerSo Short Award Jury
Editors of Film.Tv – Media partner of the PerSo Film Festival
Short Jail Award Jury
Jury of female inmates of the women’s section of the Perugia Capanne Prison: Angela B, Anna V, Cristiane Maria L, Liliane P.B, Maria Grazia G, Patrizia P, Rachela T.
In collaboration with the Casa Circondariale di Perugia-Capanne
Competition of medium-length Italian documentary films
PerSo Cinema Italiano Award Jury
Jury composed of university students. In collaboration with the University of Perugia and Accademia Belle Arti “Pietro Vannucci”.
The Jury is presided by
Giovanni Cioni
Film Director
La Settima Ora Award Jury
Jury composed of high school students. In collaborazione with Scientific High School “Galileo Galilei” in Perugia.
Competition reserved for films about Umbria or by Umbrian authors.
Jury made up of a delegation from ANEC Umbria

PerSo Award
€ 2.500
to the best medium and feature length documentary film
PerSo Agora – Audience Award
€ 500
to the best medium and feature length documentary film awarded by the Audience
PerSo Cinema italiano
€ 1.000
to the best Italian medium and feature length documentary film
PerSo Short Award
€ 500
to the best short documentary film
PerSo Short Jail
€ 500
to the best short documentary film awarded by the Jury of Female Prisoners of Perugia-Capanne Prison
PerSo “Umbria in Celluloide” – ANEC Umbria
€ 500
awarded to the most deserving work