Umbria in celluloide 2017

Biografie di Lotta

by Greca Campus and Matteo Saltalippi, Italy, 2017, 43’


Biografie di Lotta

Biographies of Struggle tells the story of the 2014 Terni steelworks’ strike, the longest strike in Italy since the 80s labour unrest wave. The town and the ThyssenKrupp factory are the framework where 11 participants express their (discordant) thoughts and opinions about the ongoing 7 months dispute and 45-days-long strike. Drawing on their biographies and work experiences, the protagonists depict a fragmented portrait of one of the oldest Italian working class communities, while defending the local labour from the multinational’s capitalistic profit logic. Their points of view are the lenses through which the strike’s rituals is observed, and through which their working history and constructed identities are analysed. 

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