Coming from

Umbria in celluloide - PerSo 2016

Coming from

by Alfredo Federico, Italy, 2016, 79′



Coming from

Coming From is a documentary about nomads , about the Roma culture, filmed in 5 European countries: Uk, Belgium, Croatia, Bulgaria and Italy. A documentary that allows us to learn more about the rom culture that is today seen by the Western culture with so many prejudices. Today the word Rom is loaded with so negative meaning that already it is not should call them in this way, and then we ask ourselves, how we can call them. The history of nomadism culture and the relationship with sedentary cultures, plenty of distrust and fears to them, those who come from somewhere.
Also the prejudices from culture nomade in relation with our culture, for example, the way we decide to let our children be raised by strangers or our elderly left in strange place to die. Coming from proposes to know a little more about culture rom, composed of Gypsies and Romani, to break the prejudices of both cultures for a better integration.

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